Two Poems by Margarita Serafimova

Sofia in 1993

I only have my time,
I know my rights.
Cool, cool are the sun-baked streets,
shady is the hot city.


I was living in an ancient city.
The city had disappeared,
only spring remained.



MARGARITA SERAFIMOVA: a finalist for the Erbacce Press Prize 2019 and 2018, Christopher Smart (Eyewear Publishing) Prize2019, Summer Literary Seminars 2018 and 2019, Hammond House Prize 2018, Red Wheelbarrow Prize 2018, and the Montreal Prize 2017. Her work has appeared in Agenda Poetry, London Grip, Waxwing, Trafika, A-Minor, Poetry South, Orbis, Nixes Mate, Minor Literatures, and Writing Disorder. Find her on Facebook.


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