Untitled Portfolio by Jim Zola
JIM ZOLA has worked in a warehouse, as a security guard, in a bookstore, as a teacher for deaf children, as a toy designer for Fisher Price, and currently as a children’s librarian. Published in… Continue Reading
JIM ZOLA has worked in a warehouse, as a security guard, in a bookstore, as a teacher for deaf children, as a toy designer for Fisher Price, and currently as a children’s librarian. Published in… Continue Reading
For someone who calls herself a writer, I have written very little this past year. I ought to know all the right words to explain how distressing this is, but I don’t. “Writer’s block” doesn’t quite capture the dizzying tension… Continue Reading
All of it culminates in that moment—hands pressing right places hard enough, tongue sharp, tone the perfect mixture of desire and disgust—everything aligning like planets in a Greek myth. One side eclipses the other, muscles contract in white-hot bursts of… Continue Reading
If you take a wander up through the hilly regions north of Binzhou, you will find some stretches of very beautiful landscape. They feature in no guidebooks, though that’s not a matter of mystery or concealment; the place just isn’t… Continue Reading
“On the walls of the [afterparty] only the shadows are the truth.” — Plato Leda invites me back to her place; I let Jeremy tag along. We walk away from The Guvernment, the club that shielded us from morning.… Continue Reading
Pinholes of light appear beyond Lynn’s lithe body as he wriggles and squirms through the tight passage, stirring up clouds of dust and insect carcasses. The lack of negative space exposes the substantial distance I have yet to crawl before… Continue Reading
The door was everywhere, and in everything; I stepped through it back to the house alone. Sunlight gleamed off frosted ground, and breath rose in clouds from my face. May the world and its authority collapse in these words. At… Continue Reading
Better than that ORACLE® –…These are notes not script: delete them select observer.trip, observer.tripprofile ..observer.trip_id ..to_char(‘YYYY’) year from observer.trips – Next select what you need. Taunt the database with parentheses. where observer.trip in (‘have_you_seen’, ‘my_elements’, ‘elements’, ‘my-elements’, ‘have-you-seen’, ‘my.elements’, ‘all_through’,… Continue Reading
Under the three skyscrapers you make her ankles sore. They don’t yet know being avoided at house parties. She loses to the study room floor that burned her back. Your knees—raw beneath bar dulled denim. Smoke rings drop fast from… Continue Reading
Of Pole Dancers and Dark Desires Undress molasses sweet. Reach through the sound of smiles and tomorrows. Hook your nightly dream. Of Screeching tires featherlings fingernails on chalkboards sonic tonations of terror & terrorizing tangible auditory ………..hallucinations ………..elicit… Continue Reading